It was tell that a great carver and painter named Prabangkara who lived during Prabu Brawijaya’s administration of Majapahit Kingdom. Once upon a time asked Prabangkara to make a painting of the wueen. The king would give the painting as his expression to his wife who was well known for her beauty.
The naked painting could be completed by Prabangkara and of course this meet King Brawijaya wonder, because in the certain parts of the queen body there was birth sign that could also be found in the picture with strong similarity. The king decided to cast Prabangkara away by binding him and his carving and painting tools on a kite, after the kite flew away in the sky, the rope was cut by the king.
While the kite swang, Prabangkara carving tools fell down on a village name as “Belakang Gunung” close to Jepara town center. In this village there are also many great carvers who have special skiNo supporting data that prove that existence of great carving was influenced by The Prabangkara’s tools.

1. In the time of queen Kalinyamat administration, lived a governor named Sungging Badarduwung. The governor came from Campa (Cambodia) was a carver. Now his high valuecarving block can be seen in Mantingan Old Mosque and also can be found in queen Kalinyamat’s grave which was built in 16th century.
2. The fall of Majapahit Kingdom has caused the spread of Hindu artist to many regions in the beginning of 16th century. In the expansion, the artist keeps expanding their skill by adapting the special motif in the new region. The mixture between original Hindu motif and special motif in the new region create new motif such as Majapahit, Bali, Mataram, and Jepara motif that are developing in Jepara