With a beautiful natural and relatively unspoiled, Karimunjawa tourist attraction offers beautiful nature, namely maritime tourism and adventure tourism nature. Besides the beautiful nature, a multi-ethnic population Karimunjawa make this region even interesting to be listened to a variety of unique cultures and traditions. Maritime tourism offers a variety of tours and sports activities related to the nature Karimunjawa islands. Some tours and sports activities that can be done in this area are as follows.
This activity can be done in the north and west of the island Publications, east of Menjangan Besar island, around Menjangan Kecil island, south and west of the island Geleang, Bengkoang west of the island, west of the island machetes, east of the Kembar island, around the island Katang, the north and east of the island Krakal Kecil, and west of the island Kumbang.
This activity can be done on the island of Menjangan Besar and Menjangan Kecil, west of the island Bengkoang, around the island Twins, north and east of the island of Krakal Kecil.
Fishing can be done around the island of Menjangan Besar and Kecil, Menyawakan island, Middle Island, the island Kemujan, Parang island, around the Kembar island, and the west of the Bengkoang island.
Locations that can be used to perform these activities include the east and south of the island Publications, southern and western parts of Menjangan Kecil island, western part of Tngah Island, around the island of Parang, Kembar islands, and Kumbang Island.
Almost all the beaches on the islands with white sandy Karimunjawa coastline long enough. This condition causes a coastal area suitable for sunbathing activities sunbathing), play sand, and watch the beautiful scenery sunset or sunrise.
Navigate the seas
For those who can not swim and dive, available boat equipped with a glass on the bottom (glass bottom boat) to see the beauty of the underwater view.
Seeing the sea water aquarium
On the island of Menjangan is the area that has a sea water aquarium facilities. Here, we can enjoy the beauty of ornamental fish and sharks life and other fish with a nuance that can not be found elsewhere.
In addition to its natural, population factors and traditions have made the islands Karimunjawa cultural tourist attraction and pilgrimage. There are a variety of cultural attractions in this area, such as reog (lumping horse), martial art, drum, and Javanese gamelan. There are also attractions that are routinely conducted by the local community, such as the release of the turtle, the release ceremony of the boat, and ‘khoul’ sunan Nyamplungan (remember to 1st Suro). Legend Nyamplungan make this area attractive to be visited by pilgrims who want to go to the tomb and relics Sunan Nyamplungan legacy.
source: www.central-java-tourism.com