There is concern Jepara carving someday be dimmed. One reason, interest in the young generation to learn to be a decline craftsmen. These conditions can not be separated from the local content policy of giving the students the art of carving, from elementary to secondary level above. Yet, once in Jepara carving has been introduced since elementary school. There's even technical schools (ST) junior high school level that provides a large portion of the lesson on sculpture. There was also extra-curricular school that provides wood carving skills.

Attention to school carving still minimal. Tahunan Class Development, Carving Department in the center of the highway Tahunan carved furniture, since ten years ago to the present condition is not much changed. From the outside cursory look like a small primary school building, as it consists of three classes. Board of carving classes, HA Muryanto said, schools that he ran received aid from the Jepara government teachers. For independent educational activities, students paid fees refunded for educational purposes, including carving tools.

Carving class with a year of study who have stood for decades that, or carve Fedep Sukodono school start-up two years ago, is still the destination of the young men who want to learn to carve. Actually, they may direct apprenticeship in furniture company and could get more than money to eat. However, studying in educational institutions will be more focused. In addition to carving skills, carpentry, they also get a debriefing business management.
Hopefully with this school of the future development of sculpture in this city will stay awake and growing.