Although widely known that Jepara is the City of Carving, but for relief carving craft only a few places that many engaged in this field, as opposed to furniture and garden are spread most places. In general, there are at least two places Mulyoharjo and Senenan.

Mulyoharjo Centers of Statue
It is said that this place is the first time carving developed in Jepara, because according to legend Prabangkara carving tools fall in Belakang Gunung, Mulyoharjo region.
Street paving along the 1 km, both right and left side there is the exhibition of crafts from local communities, mostly in the form of statues, but many are also reliefs, frames, ornaments of wood and so on.
The price offered here is famous for cheap because here there are hundreds more craftsmen, so that its price is very cheap, in addition to ordering a sculpture carved products will be very quick.
Mulyoharjo located 1 Km north of Jepara town center, so to how to get there very easily, so could be an alternative to shopping crafts wood sculpture.

Senenan Relief Center
Since the first was senenan community pursue relief carving handicraft business, though takes a long time but with the satisfaction and the high price makes the artist able to survive.
Generation of craftsmen like never disappear from this village, because as a child was engaged carving, the results of relief carving created to impress the buyers. The result will look neat, real, clean and very prominent aesthetic value that does not look so cheap.

Mulyoharjo Centers of Statue
It is said that this place is the first time carving developed in Jepara, because according to legend Prabangkara carving tools fall in Belakang Gunung, Mulyoharjo region.
Street paving along the 1 km, both right and left side there is the exhibition of crafts from local communities, mostly in the form of statues, but many are also reliefs, frames, ornaments of wood and so on.
The price offered here is famous for cheap because here there are hundreds more craftsmen, so that its price is very cheap, in addition to ordering a sculpture carved products will be very quick.
Mulyoharjo located 1 Km north of Jepara town center, so to how to get there very easily, so could be an alternative to shopping crafts wood sculpture.

Senenan Relief Center
Since the first was senenan community pursue relief carving handicraft business, though takes a long time but with the satisfaction and the high price makes the artist able to survive.
Generation of craftsmen like never disappear from this village, because as a child was engaged carving, the results of relief carving created to impress the buyers. The result will look neat, real, clean and very prominent aesthetic value that does not look so cheap.