Hard refusal main Jepara community about the potential location of nuclear power plants Balong Village, Flower District did not discourage the steps the Ministry of Research and Technology (Research and Technology) of Indonesia to continue to voice plans to build nuclear power plant in the Muria Peninsula.
"Development of nuclear power plants is the mandate of the Act that have been stipulated in Law 17/2007 on the Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM) in which one point on which there is a clause that Indonesia has to operate at 2016," said Minister of Research and Technology Kusmayanto Kadiman RI after opening Exhibition (Research , Innovation, and Technologi) 200 Expo Ritech Thursday (23 / 7) at Kartini Building
Before any changes to the Act, he argued, could not reject anyone. Therefore, the Ministry of Research and Technology and relevant agencies will continue to socialize. On the pros and cons of building nuclear power plants by Kusmayanto, something unusual. "In every building there is any pros and cons," he said.
If the rejection hard and resistant Jepara residents continued he did not think the government will impose. The government will seek alternative locations. Among the alternative location is Banten. "People Banten would accept nuclear power plant construction. Yet this is not necessarily when they want to be occupied, when the community will be built not directly accept smoothly. Surely there are blockages," he added